Sencondary School中學教材Amazing Chinese / 中文真棒
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全套教材共有四冊,每冊皆包含課本、練習本,教師手冊。單元主軸或各課教學目標,參照IGCSE 教學大綱的主題範疇為主體框架,並採用IB 教學理念來編寫內容,同時參酌部分AP中文教學準則,期望符合不同語言文化的教學型態。詞彙及用語安排以HSK的等級為編輯依據,亦參考部分TOCFL的用詞用語。
第一、二冊第一、二冊課本各有四個學習單元,每個單元各有三課,總計十二課。至第二冊學習結束,語言程度可達HSK2。每課教學建議時間為6~8小時,教師可依學生背景及學習狀況彈性調整。 課本內容包括"課文"和"對話"兩大學習區塊,並安排"課文理解"、"語言點練習"、"對話練習"、"聽力練習"、"漢字練習"和"任務活動"等六個語言練習的內容,另外視需要加入文化(Culture note) 及語言知識(Language note) 補充。而課前的"學習目標"與課末的"你會了嗎"(Checklist),則提供學生自我檢核是否學會重要詞彙及溝通內容。
第三、四冊課本各有三個學習單元,每個單元各有四課,總計十二課。至第二冊學習結束,語言程度可達HSK4。每課教學建議時間為6~8 小時,教師可依學生背景及學習狀況彈性調整。 課本內容包括"對話"和"課文"兩大學習區塊,並安排"對話練習"、"課文理解"、"語言點練習"、"聽力練習"、"口語練習"和"任務活動"等六個語言練習的內容,另外視需要加入熟語(Idiom note)、文化(Culture note)及語言知識(Languagenote)補充。而課前的"學習目標"與課末的"Progress checklist",則提供學生自我檢核是否學會重要詞彙及溝通內容。
"Amazing Chinese" is a complete Mandarin Chinese language curriculum specifically designed for use in international schools. The series aims to help secondary school students who are not native speakers of Chinese develop a foundation in the language.
There are four levels in this course, each consisting of a textbook, workbook and teacher's guide. Each unit's lesson objectives are based on the IGCSE curriculum framework, and lesson content has been created according to IB academic standards and AP Chinese teaching principles in order to fulfill the pedagogical needs of diverse language cultures. Vocabulary and sentence patterns are presented according to HSK level, with some supplemental TOCFL vocabulary also included.
Contents of the Teaching Materials
Book 1& 2
One and Two comprise four units of three lessons each, for a total of twelve lessons. Upon completion of this course, students should achieve a proficiency in the language equivalent to HSK level 2. The recommended instruction time for each lesson is between six and eight hours. Teachers may adjust the pace of instruction based on the background or learning progress of the students.
The two main sections of each lesson are the Text and Dialogue , as well as six language practice sections, including Dialogue Practice, Reading Comprehension, Key Language Practice, Listening Practice, Character Practice and Activities . Supplementary information such as Culture Notes and Language Notes are presented wherever relevant. The pre-lesson Learning Goals and lesson-final Checklists provide students with the opportunity to self-evaluate their understanding of the key vocabulary and communication skills presented in each lesson.
Book 3& 4
Book Three and Four comprise three units of four lessons each, for a total of twelve lessons. Upon completion of this course, students should achieve a proficiency in the language equivalent to HSK level 4. The recommended instruction time for each lesson is between six and eight hours. Teachers may adjust the pace of instruction based on the background or learning progress of the students.
The two main sections of each lesson are the Dialogue and Text , as well as six language practice sections, including Dialogue Practice, Reading Comprehension, Key Language Practice, Listening Practice, Oral Practice and Activities. Supplementary information such as Idiom Notes, Culture Notes and Language Notes are presented wherever relevant. The pre-lesson Learning Goals and lesson-final Progress Checklists provide students with the opportunity to self-evaluate their understanding of the key vocabulary and communication skills presented in each lesson.
This course also includes a large variety of interactive classroom Tasks for pairs or small groups, designed for effective language practice. Additional Challenge exercises are provided to allow for mixed-level instruction when necessary, and may be used flexibly based on the needs of individual students.
- 由國際學校、主流學校的第一線教師,針對母語非漢語的中學生編寫的漢語教材
- 教材扣合IGCSE主題,符合IB外語課程的核心概念以及美國外語教學的5C準則
- 詞彙及語句安排以HSK、IGCSE等為編輯依據
- 系統安排聽說讀寫活動,培養學生跨文化的溝通能力,提升學生素養和學習成果
- 配合主題,規劃課堂任務型活動,養成學生獨立學習與協同合作的能力
- 提供分層教學的課堂活動,強化學生內在學習動機和認知能力
- 提供真實語境及真實語料,鼓勵學生在實際生活中運用外語習得技能
- Chinese language teaching materials specifically written for non-native Chinese speaking secondary school students by frontline international and mainstream school teachers.
- Conforms to IGCSE themes, IB foreign language curriculum’s core concept and 5C standard.
- Vocabulary, sentences and sentence patterns are based on HSK and IGCSE.
- Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities are systematically incorporated to foster students’ cross-cultural communicative skills, enhancing their literacy and learning achievements.
- Thematic task-based activities to cultivate students’ independent and collaborative learning skills.
- Differentiated classroom learning activities to consolidate students’ intrinsic learning motivation and cognitive skills.
- Authentic language environment and contexts to encourage students’ practical application of their foreign language skills.
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- 提供多元讀寫及聽說練習,達到理解和溝通的目標。
- 內容融入真實生活應用情境,強化語言的活用。
- 題目設計照顧不同能力的學生,提供差異化練習。
- 圖像式整理單元重點,有效協助學生記憶及整合。
- 聽力練習掃碼立即聽,隨時隨地可練習、複習。
Amazing Chinese is written for students who learn Chinese as a second or additional language in secondary school. Students will develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through activities and exercises that are essential and interesting.
Inside the workbook, each lesson includes lesson exercises, unit reviews and character writing exercises.
- A diversity of reading, writing, listening and speaking practice to achieve the goals of comprehension and communication.
- Practical application of the language is strengthened through real-life authentic language use situations.
- Differentiated practice catering to students of varied abilities.
- The unit key points are organised in picture form to effectively assist with student memorisation and integration.
- Scan for instant listening practice and review at anytime and anywhere.
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The teacher's book provides supplementary materials for class preparation and teaching. Each lesson consists of four parts: a summary chart, teaching activities, workbook answer key, and activity sheets.
The summary chart aggregates the teaching goal and learning contents. The teaching activities are provided correspondingly to these learning sections: text (warm-up), activities for new words, comprehension activities, key language activities, dialogue practice, listening practice activities (with scripts), Chinese character teaching activities and task activities. In addition, there are answer key with major explanations for the workbook. Each lesson's activity sheets come with suggestions for differentiated instruction as options for teachers.