Elementary小學教材About Hello Huayu / Hello華語

《Hello, 華語!》是一套針對K-6華語初學者所設計的教材,教材運用大量圖畫呈現豐富的生活情境,吸引孩子目光,並結合實用的生活用語,讓學習者能現學現用,對學習語言不再退卻。


Hello, Huayu! is a set of Chinese textbooks for K-6 Chinese beginners. It uses picture style to show real-life situations and attract children’s attention. Combined with the practical conversation in Chinese that can be practiced right after each lesson, students no longer feel drawn back from learning a new language. Hello, Huayu! is a full set of 12 textbooks designed to be taught 2 volumes per year and can be completed in 6 years. Students will acquire nearly 1,100 new vocabularies and over 1000 sentences that can be applied in daily conversations.

這套針對第二語言學習者所設計的華語教材,參考了美國外語教學五大目標(Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities, 5C)及歐洲語言共同架構(Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR),並融入IB課程對小學中文學習的要求。本教材以溝通式教學法編輯,設計生活溝通情境,培養學生基本的聽、說、讀、寫能力。

This textbook is designed for learning Chinese as a second language. It follows the US National Standards for Foreign Language Learning, also known as the 5Cs—Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. It also follows the European languages common framework (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR), and integrates IB curriculum requirements for primary school Chinese learning. Hello, Huayu! makes use of the Communication Teaching Method, with curriculums based on real-life conversations and situations to teach basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.


In addition to the textbook, an exercise book is designed to go with the curriculum to allow students to practice immediately following each lesson for the best learning outcomes. The teaching material is also supplemented with detailed teacher’s manual in a page-to-page manner to provide suggestions on lesson highlights and classroom activities, and assist teachers in preparing lessons and teaching design.


The e-Book is an effective digital media teaching tool specifically designed for teachers. It integrates digital diversity of teaching resources and teaching assistant tools, which efficiently raise the learning motivation of students to make classroom teaching effective.

步驟1 點選試用下載1-1及試用下載1-2,共兩個檔案。
步驟2 下載完成後,請解壓縮兩個檔案,並放置在同一資料夾。
步驟3 點選 setup即開始安裝,完成後,即可開始使用。

CPU:Pentiu 4 或 AMD Athlon 64
記憶體:2GB RAM
Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8
MS Office 2003以上版本
Adobe Reader 6.0以上版本

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