Pre-School幼兒教材Chinese Reader for Kids / 華語繪本列車

華語繪本列車共有2個系列,是專為CFL學生所設計的繪本,故事情境優美,取材配合IB PYP目標,從聽說讀玩活動中啟發孩子學習的興趣。
掃描音檔QR code,即可聽故事及歌曲。故事有「情境版」及「念讀版」,兒歌有「念唱版」及「純音樂版」,視教學需求使用。
Chinese Reader for Kids has two series. The readers are specially designed for CFL students. The story-based readers implement the IB PYP guideline, and they are the best start for young learner to learn Chinese by listening, speaking, reading, and playing.
Scan the QR code for stories and songs.
Speaking: Read along sentence by sentence with the E-Pen. Learners can fine-tune their pronunciation by using the recording function.
Reading: Fine illustrations with easy-to-read rhyming sentences.
Playing: Learning by playing with the vocabulary cards and the workbook.



Family members are people that children are most familiar with. By interacting with family members, children start to understand the world and explore who they are. The focus of this book is on vocabulary of family members in the sentence pattern of “(sb) loves me.” such as “My mom loves me.”


Children are close to family members, and they build intimate relationships. Therefore, a home plays a significant role in a kid’s mental and social developments. This book focuses on “different places in a house” and the sentence pattern “(sb) is in (location).” such as “My dad is in the living room.”


Children are familiar with clothing, such as shirts, pants, and jackets. This book focuses on clothing vocabulary, and the sentence pattern of “I have (items).” such as “I have pants.”


There are many interesting people, events, and things in the park.The park is another place familiar to children, and the park serves like a small community or a society. The goal of this book is to guide readers to learn more about a park, so that children learn related vocabulary and the sentence pattern “There is/are (items) in the park.” such as “There are flowers in the park.”


小松鼠一家人要到郊外野餐嘍!去野餐要帶什麼物品呢?本書重點在學習「野餐物品名稱」,以及「拿出○○ 」的句型。
The squirrel family is going on a picnic! What do they need to prepare? This book teaches vocabulary of picnic items and the sentence pattern of "Take out the (item)." such as "Take out the fruit."


Weather conditions are a common natural phenomenon that children can observe every day. The focus of this book is on weather description vocabulary, and sentence patterns such as “It is sunny.” or “There is lightning.

系列一試閱 遊戲本樣章試閱 點讀筆介紹 點讀筆音檔下載 MP3下載 繪本列車介紹 PDF



Animals are always an interesting topic for children. This book is written in the form of riddles. By reading and guessing riddles, children can acquire knowledge and fun facts about animals. The teaching theme focuses on facial and body parts, and the sentence pattern of “Whose (body part) is it ?” such as “Whose eyes are these?”


What do children usually do for fun? What interests or hobbies do they have? By exploring the world and being exposed to novel experiences, children learn more about themselves, and what they are passionate about or good at. They express their feelings by saying “I like/love…”


Are there parks or markets in your neighborhood? What are the different locations for various activities in your community? This book focuses on “places” in the community, and the sentence pattern of “Here is (place)。” such as “Here is the park.”


Kids go to school every day on foot, by car, etc. But have they ever thought about how children in other countries go to school? This book focuses on “means of transportation” and the sentence pattern of “I go to school by (transportation).” such as “I go to school by boat.”


Sweet treats appeal to both children and adults. Although they taste great, we need to pay attention to balanced diets and dental care, or we may have a toothache. The book focuses on sweets or anything that taste sweet, such as fruit. Children also learn the sentence pattern “Is (sth) sweet?” such as “Watermelon, watermelon. Is it sweet?”


Children love outdoor activities and are curious about the outside world. One, two, three, let’s count our steps and go explore! The book focuses on “numbers” “quantifiers” and “animals”. Children learn how to use these expressions with verbs.

系列二試閱 遊戲本樣章試閱 點讀筆介紹 點讀筆音檔下載 MP3下載 繪本列車介紹 PDF

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